Our Organizations
Founded in 2008, the Peter G. Peterson Foundation’s mission is to raise awareness and accelerate action on America’s long-term fiscal challenges to improve our economic future. The nonpartisan Foundation works with partners across the ideological spectrum, educating and engaging citizens on our growing national debt. The Foundation also supports a healthy functioning democracy that enables common sense policy solutions for a more prosperous and inclusive economy.
America’s high healthcare costs are the key driver of our nation’s rising debt. Founded in 2014, the Peterson Center on Healthcare is dedicated to making affordable healthcare a reality for all Americans by finding, validating and scaling solutions that deliver better health outcomes at lower cost. Through innovative grant-making, partnerships, and research, the Center works to improve performance and efficiency system -wide, with positive benefits for our economy, fiscal outlook and health and well-being.
Founded in 2022, Peterson Solutions Fund is a nonpartisan 501(c)4 which funds a range of policy advocacy activities to support the same key challenges and policy priorities that are addressed by our other organizations. Through the Fund, we develop initiatives to stabilize America’s fiscal outlook, improve the performance of our healthcare system and strengthen the pillars of our democracy, to support a growing, thriving economy over the long term.